This week we will:
- Look at feelings, how are we kind to our friends, were the ugly sisters kind to cinderella? (PSE)
- Read and share stories, sequencing and joining in with repeated refrains. (CL)
- Become more confident using the obstacle course. (PD)
- Put out the fire using the spray bottles (PD, Fine motor)
- Continue to find rhyming words in books, link initial sounds. (L)
- Make castles using shapes, large and small. (M)
- Follow mud kitchen recipes using different media (UW)
- Make and create props for role play (EAD)

Mark making

Obstacle course

Paint by numbers

Using the obstacle course

Making props for role play

Making comparisons and describing how they are feeling

Making castles out of shapes

Making recipes in the mud kitchen

Writing princess party invitations