This week at nursery we have talked about bonfire night and how this time of year fireworks light up the sky. We discussed how they sound and look. We then looked at the work of Jackson Pollack the artist and talked about how his art is called action painting because rather than brushing the paint on his canvas he flicked, poured and splattered it. They also stood up so they could move around the canvas and cover it all. The children also learnt a lot of his artwork was done in dark colours which reflected his feelings. The children were able to share their views about the colours the fireworks would project in the sky. The children thoroughly enjoyed splattering the paint and used fantastic language to describe how they were decorating their artwork. They also used ribbons and music on the playground to emulate different fireworks and we talked about using these large movements when flicking the paint brushes effected the marks they made. Great fun was had by all!
This week we have been talking about fireworks and how they look as they shoot into the sky. The children had to move around the playground in different ways and then land in a shape on the playground. We talking about how the Catherine wheel goes rounds and round, the rocket we started with a point and looked at the triangular shape. The children had fun moving and negotiating space, avoiding their peers when running. They then followed the instructions to go into the correct shape.