Week commencing 22nd February 2021 – Dinosaur
Good morning and welcome back everyone. We hope you had a lovely break over half term.
Please can we remind you all how fantastic it is when we receive your updates on Tapestry as we like to make sure we use your input for planning and next steps with the children.
This week we will be starting with a princess dinosaur story as the vote by the children was for both.
This week we will:
- Share news (PSE)
- Learn about dinosaurs (UTW)
- Look at fiction, non-fiction books about dinosaurs (CL)
- Move in different way – don’t go in the lava. (PD)
- Make dinosaur prints (PD)
- Draw round stencils (PD)
- Match the right eggs to the sound eggs (L)
- Draw patterns on the dinosaur
- Find the shapes on the dinosaurs (M)
- Talk about different times
- How can we move the dinosaur to the top of the bucklet (UTW)
- Make prints (hands) into something special (EAD)
Dinosaur Eggs Building with the guttering Climbing Dinosaur technology Drawing a dinosaur Dinosaur shape Repeating handprints