- Talk about the meaning of Diwali
- Talk about good over evil
- Read the story of Rama and Sita with props
- Make clay Diyas
- Sweet shop role play area
- Draw shapes and add coloured sand to make rangoli patterns
- Build a bridge together for the monkeys
- Use shapes on the lightbox to make patterns
- Use torches to explore the dark
- Make barfi on snack table
- Read other themed stories e.g “Lighting a Lamp”
- Learn new language: rangoli, diya, Hindu goddess, barfi
All posts by Nikki Wims
W/c 10th October – Autumn
- Autumn Walks: Tuesday & Thursday – 9:30-11:30am
- Talk about seasonal changes and what we might need to start wearing
- Share our Autumn collection bags from home
- Read seasonal stories e.g Leaf Man
- Learn new Autumn songs
- Find natural objects – count to 5
- Move like leaves/ animals: crawling, leaping etc
- Hole punch leaves and thread on string
- Autumn sensory tray
- Build homes for animals who hibernate
- Write letters in sand, mud on trays
- Scented playdoh: make pumpkins/leaves
- Create leaf and bark rubbings
- Use scissor skills to make hedgehogs
- Listen for sounds on Autumn Walk
- Listening games with musical instruments
- Den building outside
W/c 3rd October – Scarecrows Wedding/Harvest
- What is Harvest?
- Read Scarecrow’s Wedding, Little Red Hen, The Enormous Turnip
- Role Play Area – Supermarket with enhancements
- Make a Scarecrow in large group
- Autumn themed songs: Dingle dangle Scarecrow, Autumn Leaves are falling
- Print vegetable pictures, look at colours
- Create leaf/bark rubbing
- Make initial letters from pulses
- Compare vegetables using scales
- Play musical scarecrows
- Create trees from train track and leaves
- Use playdough to imitate bread dough e.g rolls/plaits
- Make scarecrow faces using natural loose parts
- Build den using tyres, material etc
- Recreate the Enormous Turnip
- Natural Objects: Float and Sink
- Use magnifying glasses to explore fruit & veg
W/c 26th September – Healthy Foods/Supertato
- Search the garden for Evil Peas
- Read supertato stories
- Supermarket role play area
- Food related number songs: 5 currant buns, 10 fat sausages
- Order fruit by weight/colour
- Make pitta pizzas
- Collage – healthy eating plate
- Rescue the super veg
- Threading cereal hoops/pasta tubes
- Float/sink: Fruit and veg
- Look inside fruit using magnifying glasses
- Write shopping lists
- Make supertato
- Feely bag with fruit and veg
- Make sounds with pots and pans
- Clap syllables of pictures
- Explore fruit frozen in ice cubes
W/c 19th September – Handa’s Surprise
- Listen to the story of Handa’s Surprise and think about the setting and characters
- Think about the colours of the fruit we eat
- Guess what fruit is in the bag by the clues
- Sort the foods by colour
- Use name cards to make different marks
- Fruit market role play area
- Paint pictures of fruit and vegetables
- Weighing and measuring – predict which fruits will be heavier/lighter
- Use clear bottles and pipettes for colour mixing
- Play the traffic light game
- Dancing with coloured scarves and ribbons
- Use puppets to tell stories
- Threading coloured beads
- Make colourful fruit kebabs
- Make a large rainbow as a group
W/c 12th September – Colour Around Us
- What colours are used to make us feel safe?
- Think about how we have different coloured: eyes/hair/skin
- Read themed stories: The Mixed Up Chameleon, Elmer, Brown Bear, brown bear
- Think about the coloured food we eat
- Mixing colours: light box, painting
- Draw pictures of rainbows
- Paint self portraits
- Dance with coloured scarves
- Sort small cars in coloured car park spaces
- Colour scavenger hunt
- Threading coloured beads
- Play the Traffic light game
- Make colourful fruit kebabs
- Grate chalks in mud kitchen
W/c 5th September – Summer Days
Welcome to all our wonderful families, we hope you had a fantastic summer. We can’t wait to hear all about it!
- Share experiences of summer days
- Talk about the weather, how have we protected ourselves?
- Learn about/ remember our rules and boundaries
- Read stories: at the airport, camping story etc
- Draw a picture of “my summer” – adult to scribe
- Write letters in sprinkles using lolly sticks/fingers
- Make sea creatures from playdoh
- Use tweezers to put the right amount of ice cream onto the numbered cones
- Make waves in the parachute
- Marshmallow & fruit kebab skewers
- Build sandcastles
- Make den outside into a caravan
- Fishing with nets