All posts by Nikki Wims

Week commencing 18th January 2021 – Antarctic

This week we will:

  • Lost and found – we will be talking about feelings, what makes us lonely (PSE)
  • Say initial sounds – look at letters and sounds, listening and attention (CL)
  • Move in different ways. Playing the Penguin game. What makes us get hot? (PD)
  • Rhyming strings and games (L)
  • Match the numerals to spots on the penguins (M)
  • Make a boat for the boy and the penguin (UtW)
  • Move to the music in different ways (EAD)

Week commencing 11th January 2020 – Artic

This week we will be learning about the Artic:

  • Where is the artic – focus time (PSE)
  • Read the book, ‘Over in the Artic where the cold wind blows (CL)
  • Cut snowflakes (fine motor)
  • Move like the animals – gross motor (PD)
  • Find the rhyming mittens (Reading)
  • Write letters with glue and glitter (writing)
  • Measure he animals using cubes (M)
  • How do animals survive? Look at blubber – experiment (UtW)
  • Make artic animals as a team – textures/working together

Tonight’s Update

This evening Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirmed that registered early years providers will be allowed to remain open during the upcoming national lockdown in England. 

We are opening as normal tomorrow and planning to continue to do so going forward.

Please bear with us at this difficult time.

End of Term and important message

Important information:

If your child develops covid symptoms or tests positive between now and the next 48 hours, please contact me on and we will put in place appropriate track and trace procedures.

Just a few things to remember:

  • Please be extra vigilant at this time of year for symptoms and act quickly to get a test and for the whole household to self-isolate while waiting for results.
  • If you are sent the link to the national questionnaire from NHS Test & Trace you need to respond quickly.
  • If you have tested positive please engage fully will NHS Test & Trace if they call.
  • Please be reminded of the guidelines –

On a happier note – what a fantastic Autumn term we have had! All new children have settled really well and the drop off system at the gate continues to be a success. Please take time to have a browse through the blog on the website, to see all the fun that has been had this term.

Any concerns that we may have had with Covid issues have been managed and continue to be managed. Risk assessments have been regularly reviewed and updated.

We would like to thank you all for your continued support and understanding at what is a difficult time.

The staff would like to thank all the parents for their lovely gifts.

We hope to be able to send the link for the School Leavers Christmas Songs video at some point tomorrow to all relevant parents.

From all the staff and trustees at Buckles and Bows we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy (and healthy) New Year. We are back on Monday 4th January and we look forward to seeing you all in 2021! 

Week commencing 7th December 2020 – Christmas Party week!

This week we will:

  • Make Christmas Craft (EAD, PD)
  • Christmas themed dancing (PD, EAD)
  • Pin the nose on the Rudolph (PD)
  • Hunt for numbered Gingerbread men (M)
  • Make paper chains (PD)
  • Use tweezers to put pom poms in the Christmas tree (PD)
  • Read Christmas stories (PSED, L, CL)
  • Practise our Christmas songs (EAD, CL)
  • Make party hats (EAD)
  • Christmas gingerbread biscuits (CL, PD)

Christmas Party week fun!

Weeks commencing 23rd November & 30th November 2020 -Christmas Post Office

This week we will:

  • Talk about Christmas and talk about the things we know (PSED, UtW)
  • Learn “We’re Going on a Baby Hunt” story (L,CL)
  • Listen to stories with a Christmas theme (L)
  • Post office themed role play area (EAD)
  • Write letters, post, sort parcels by size (L, PD, UtW, M)
  • Make envelopes and wrapping paper (PD, CL, EAD)
  • Decorate tree outlines with chalk shapes (PD)
  • Sing themed number songs (CL, EAD)
  • Use sticks to make Christmas shapes (PD, M)
  • Stack the presents, don’t let them fall! (PD, EAD)
  • Learn how letters are sorted an delivered (UtW)
  • Make Christmas cake, pudding, trifles in the mud kitchen (EAD, PD)
  • Plan a path for the RC cars to deliver the letters (UtW)
  • Spiced playdough to mould Christmas shapes (PD, M)
  • Coloured/sparkly frozen ice cubes in the water tray (CL, UtW)
  • Move the pipe cleaners/bells out the bottle using magnets (UtW)

Week commencing 16th November 2020 – Nursery Rhymes

This week we will:

  • Take part in the ‘Rhyme a Day ‘ challenge for World Nursery Rhyme week (EAD, CL)
  • Identify rhyming words (CL, L)
  • Shop role play area (M, EAD, CL)
  • Build walls together for ‘Humpty Dumpty’ (PSED, PD)
  • Build clock towers and measure then (M)
  • Explore spiders and drain pipes (UtW)
  • Build clock towers and measure them (M)
  • Explore floating and sinking with ‘Row, row you boat’ in the water (UtW)
  • Tap/clap out beats for songs (PD, EAD)
  • Make paper plate clocks (M)
  • Draw stars in the glitter (L, PD)
  • Sequence pictures in rhymes (EAD, L CL)
  • Weave a spiders web (PD, EAD)
  • Use tweezers to pick out stars (PD)

Our WOW wall