All posts by Nikki Wims

Week commencing 28th September 2020 – Autumn

This week we will:

  • Talk about seasons and how we identify each of them (UTW, CL)
  • Learn new songs for Autumn (CL, EAD)
  • Doctors surgery role play (EAD)
  • Use magnifying glasses to look at Autumnal items (UTW)
  • Pounding leaf prints with mallets (PD)
  • Count pine cones, conkers, acorne to 4 (M)
  • Thread leaves on string in order (M)
  • Building dens (PD, EAD)
  • Make bugs with natural resources (EAD)
  • Write letters from our names in the sand (PD, L)
  • Make hedgehogs in dough (PD, EAD)

Week commencing 21st September 2020 – The Three Little Pigs

This week we will:

  • Read the story together in small groups (CL, L, PSED)
  • Use sensory items to talk about what objects feel/sound/smell or look like e.g sticks, straw (CL, EAD)
  • Build the pigs houses using the resources in the story (PD, EAD)
  • Make paintbrushes using straw, sticks, mud paint (EAD)
  • Continue colour mixing to create colours for the characters and label them e.g pink (EAD)
  • Talk about the number 3, where else do we use it? Who is 3? What shape has 3 sides? (M)
  • Use ribbon to weave (PD)
  • Act out the story using props such as masks (EAD, L)

Week Commencing 14th September 2020 – Elmer and Colour

We were so excited last week to welcome some of our previous Buckles and Bows children and to welcome some new children, to begin their nursery journey. We were so impressed with how brave they all were when they said goodbye in the morning and how well they adopted to the new nursery routine! A huge well done to everyone, we can’t wait to see all the wonderful things you do at nursery this year!

This week we will read the Elmer story and talk about how everyone is different and look at our different features. We will mix colours and notice the difference.

My face

Today in the sensory shed we read the Elmer’s colours book.
We Listened carefully as we took it in turns to speak about our favourite colours and then looked at ourselves in the mirror and spoke about what colour our eyes and hair were.
We also spoke about our emotions and how we felt.

Autumn term 2020

We are very much looking forward to seeing all our returning children and welcoming all our new starters

Week commencing 7th September 2020:

We will start the new term learning lots of things about colour using stories, expressive arts and learning about ourselves. This week we are reading colour monsters and describing our feelings using colours.

In the first couple of weeks we will also practice listening skills games and do some baseline assessment with the new children.

A few changes and developments have been made to the nursery:

Our clever Claire Turvill has up-cycled our quiet room sofa and has put a wipeable cloth over it so that we still have a comfortable area to read our books. All cushion covers are replaced and washed on a regular basis. We have also replaced all the rugs in the nursery with machine washable ones.

We have created an art gallery in the craft corner to proudly show off our work and we have removed the storage cabinet to give more room.

We now have our learning journey display board, proudly showing off our work and how we are learning and developing.