All posts by Nikki Wims

Week commencing 4th May – JULIA DONALDSON

This weeks suggested home learning is Julia Donaldson stories. You should all have received an email regarding this.

This week the children have voted on hearing the story Room on the broom or Stick man, which one will it be? Make sure you listen on Facebook on Wednesday at 10am to find out.

A very special song and sign time with Leanne.

Week commencing 27th April 2020 – Rhyming words

This weeks suggested home learning is ‘Rhyming words’. You should all have received emails regarding it.

Please also check out the very special story video from Sarah this week, also on the facebook page.

Story time with Sarah.. Oi Frog

Story time with Sarah… Oi Dog

Don’t forget that Lisa also intends to go ‘live’ on our facebook page every week, to answer any queries. This week will be Wednesday from 11am.

Another story from Sarah will follow this Friday.

Keep safe everyone and don’t hesitate to contact Zoë or Lisa should you have any questions.

Week commencing 20th April 2020

Welcome back, we hope you all had a lovely Easter break and enjoyed the sunny weather.

This weeks suggested home learning is ‘The Three Little Pigs’. You should all have received emails regarding it.

Please also check out the very special story video from Lisa, also on the facebook page.

Don’t forget that Lisa also intends to go ‘live’ on our facebook page every week, to answer any queries. This week will be Wednesday from 10am. Please bear with us though as we have experienced technical difficulties with wifi etc which I’m sure you all have too.

Keep safe everyone.

Week commencing 30th March 2020 – The Hungry Caterpillar

Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the sunny weather last week. This week we are going to look at the story of the Hungry Caterpillar.

Watch and listen to the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Watch a lifecycle of a butterfly.

Yoga session using the story of the Hungry Caterpillar.

And our favourite time, story time with Lisa…..

Part 1

Part 2

Buckles and Bows Preschool Closure

Dear Parents and Carers

In line with government advice we are now closed until further notice. We will update you on a weekly basis and every time we receive any relevant information.

We are now aiming to post out the summary report of your child’s development later next week.

Each week we are going to post some ideas of things you can do at home with your child but obviously go with your child’s lead. This is very important at this age. All ideas will be posted on the blog (and Facebook page) and I will email a link to it every time I upload information.

This week we are going to look at ‘Plants and Growth’ and the story of ‘Jack and the beanstalk’. Here is the link to this weeks fun home topic: Please also check out the very special story video from our Lisa.

Lisa also intends to go ‘live’ on our facebook page every week, to answer any queries you may have. This week will be Wednesday at 9am.

Please contact me if you have any questions, we are still here to support you through this difficult time. 

Keep safe and healthy everyone.