All posts by Nikki Wims

Forced shut down from close of business on Friday 20th March until further notice

Dear Parents / Carers,

As you no doubt do not need me to tell you, in line with government advice the pre-school will close as from the end of the afternoon session this Friday 20th March until further notice.

With regard to children of key workers, vulnerable children and those with additional needs and / or a social worker, we are urgently seeking further clarification from the education authorities. Please let us know if you feel you fall into the key worker category, the full list of which we understand will be published by the government this afternoon.

This is just a brief note to inform you of our expectations going forward, as far as we can with the limited information we have to date.

Fees paid for Spring 2 term – as per our Pandemic policy, our default position is that fees paid to date are not refundable. Our primary objective as a Charity is to ensure that the pre-school remains viable and in a position to re-open once it is deemed possible to do so, including as far as possible the retention of staff, and to that end all funding is key.

Fees for Summer terms – we will not be sending out invoices at the usual time for Summer 1 term, and will not be expecting parents / carers to pay any fees that they do not receive government funding for whilst the setting remains closed.

If and when we do re-open, we will calculate and invoice accordingly for the sessions your children are currently booked in to attend. At that time our standard policies regarding payment of fees will apply whether or not, for any reason, your child attends the sessions.

Easter party – is unfortunately cancelled, and we will carry forward the £10 fees paid to the summer party should we re-open in time for that to take place. If that does not happen we will offer refunds of the £10 as part of the repayment of deposit payments, or via direct payment to your accounts, should you so wish.

Finally, Lisa and her team will be meeting after session this afternoon to discuss what advise / resources or the like they may be able to offer you to continue your child’s education during these unprecedented times.

If you have any specific queries / questions please speak to Lisa at drop off / pick up today or tomorrow or email Zoe or Lisa rather than telephone calls.

We will share any further relevant information as soon as it is to hand.

We wish you all good luck and take care.

Kind regards

Mike Quinlan

Chair Person

Buckles and Bows Pre-School Nursery

07775 756176


Buckles & Bows Pre-School Nursery (cio) is a Registered Charity in England and Wales No. 1182528

Week commencing 16th March 2020 – People who help in the community

  • This week we will continue with the ‘People who help us’ theme
  • Our cleaner gave the Pre-school a deep clean on Sunday.
  • We have made the decision not to send library books home for the moment and with that in mind we ask that you don’t bring in your red book bags.
  • On entry to the nursery the children are going to wash their hands, and so drop off may take a little longer than normal. Please bear with us.
  • We are cleaning and disinfecting regularly touched objects and surfaces (door handles etc) more often than usual using your standard cleaning products
  • We are supervising the children to ensure they wash their hands for 20 seconds more often than usual with soap and water and catching coughs and sneezes in tissues
  • Please can we remind you the government guidelines

– Britons told to stay at home for 14 days if they live
with someone who has a persistent cough or high
temperature (above 37.8C) This 14 day self-isolation
period now applies to all members of the household as

-Schools are going to remain open for now – but this
measure may be revisited at some point

Keep well everyone and thank you for all your support.

People who help us – Police Visit

As part of our topic (people who help us/occupations) Buckles and Bows were really exited to have a visit from real police officers today. Police Sergeant Kirsty, PC Matt and PC Andy, showed the preschool all their ‘kit’ including handcuffs and all the different helmets they wear. All the children enjoyed trying on the uniform.

We had a big think and talked about some of the things that the police officers do, like helping people who are lost, reminding people to the right thing and of course arresting naughty people.

We even got to sit in the police van. PC Matt put on the blue flashing lights and we listened to the very loud siren!

Visits such as todays helps our children to understand the community and world around them and also helps them to learn about the different ways that people help us to keep safe and different occupations.

We all had a fantastic morning! A great big thank you to Kirsty, Matt and Andy for taking time out of their busy day to come and visit us at Buckles and Bows. Now the children are inspired to maybe become police officers themselves one day!

Week commencing 9th March 2020 – People who help us in the community

  • This week we are having a visit from the Police and learning all about their role (PSE,UtW)
  • The children will learn some new rhymes to do with their emergency services (CL)
  • We will include some new words for them to use in their play (CL)
  • They can cut paper and make ladders, write signs for our roadsafety play (PD, UW)
  • We will learn the sequence of the emergency services numbers (M)
  • Build towers and rescue toys using different shapes (space, shape)
  • The children can include walkie talkies and metal detectors, learning which buttons make them work (UtW)
  • We have a police station and car to enhance our role play (EAD)
  • Lots of finger prints and turning them into different things (EAD)

Week commencing 2nd March 2020


  • The children really enjoyed telling us what they would like to be when they grow up so we are using all their ideas.
  • We feel it is important children are aware of the importance of hand washing even more so at this time, so we will do our experiment using glitter (Health and Self-Care)
  • We feel it is important children are aware of the importance of hand washing even more so at this time, so we will do our experiment using glitter (Health and Self-Care)
  • We will talk about cleaning – teeth, hands, bodies, hair (PSE)
  • Listen to new stories and respond (CL)
  • Move and recycle, complete the challenges to recycle (PD)
  • Cut the teeth out (PD)
  • Spray the letters in the tuff spot and write some in chalk (L)
  • Put the correct amount of teeth in the mouth (M)
  • Sort the shapes (M)
  • Sort the food thats good for out teeth (UW)
  • Make pictures of themselves using colours (EAD)

Week commencing 24th February 2020

Due to the interest the children have shown, we are starting the term by looking at different occupations, looking after ourselves and the environment. This will then lead on to people who help us. We will:

  • “what will I be…….” talk in circle time, draw a picture (PSE, UtW, PD)
  • Listen and take account of stories at circle time, join in with repeated refrains (CL)
  • Draw pictures, make marks, copy letters for name (PD)
  • Build the blocks and match to numeral (M)
  • Talk about different occupations, families job roles (UW)
  • Role play in the hair dressers (EAD)
  • Look at different physical activities and the effects on our bodies, Health and Self-care (PD)

Upcoming events for Spring2

We hope you have had a lovely half term break and we look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday.

Due to the interest the children have shown, we are starting the term by looking at different occupations, looking after ourselves and the environment. This will then lead on to people who help us. We are fortunate to have secured a Paramedic coming in to visit us on the 24th March to talk about her role and show the children the equipment she works with.

Please check out the blog on the website and the Facebook page to see what fun activities we have planned. The blog is updated at the end of each week showing a few photos of the children exploring the activities and their ongoing achievements.

Just a few reminders of the upcoming events for the last half of the Spring term:

Friday 28th February
Spring 2 invoice payments are due.

Tuesday 3rd and Thursday 5th March, World Book Day Mufti
The children are welcome to attend Pre-school dressed as their favourite book character. This a fundraising event and the cost is £2 per child, this will cover both days. A poster (attached) will be up on the Parents board advertising this. 

Thursday 19th March, Parents afternoon
There will be a Parents afternoon held at the Nursery on Thursday 19th March. A sign up sheet will be on the ‘Parents Board’ in the lobby from the 9th March so that you can arrange to see your child’s key worker at a convenient time. If anyone is unable to make the date we can make alternative arrangements.

Friday 3rd April, Easter Party
No normal sessions will run on this day. A letter with more details is attached. As normal I will print a few copies off for those who don’t have access to a printer.

The Pre-school will then be closed for Easter until we return on Monday 20th April 2020.