All posts by Nikki Wims

Week commencing 10th February 2020 – Love

This week we will:

  • Talk about special people, special times and decide how we can share making decisions (votes) (PSE)
  • Learn new stories, match the rhyming words, continue rhyming strings (CL)
  • Sequence the biscuit recipe (CL)
  • Notice changes to our bodies and hygiene, washing hands when sneezing, before snack and cooking (PD)
  • Make pictures using hearts, count how many we used? (M)
  • Notice changes to ingredients and the fizzing heart experiment (UW)
  • Make special cards (EAD)

Week Commencing 3rd February 2020 – The Tiger who came to Tea

This week we will –

  • Talk about who we would like to come to tea, would we want them to behave like the tiger? How should we behave? (PSE)
  • Listen and follow the story, sequencing it, talk about the characters. (CL)
  • Make marks in the stripy shaving foam, write in the tea leaves and transfer the sugar cubes using the tongs. These are all really good activities for strengthening our fingers! (PD)
  • Draw parts of the story – talk about what they have drawn. (L)
  • Match the tiger coloured buttons and numerals (M)
  • Notice the changes to media when we use a whisk (UtW)
  • Role play using available props for the story of ‘The tiger who came to tea. (EAD)

Week commencing 27th January 2020

Last Friday the children talked about the Chinese New Year and created a dragon together for dancing. This week we will:

  • Discuss the qualities of each animal and what they are good at (PSE, CL)
  • Use chopsticks to move balls (fine motor skills)
  • Move skillfully around the playground using the ribbons with music (P, EAD)
  • Look at the Chinese letters and numbers and attempt to write them (L)
  • Measure the noodles using cubes and numbers (M)
  • Think about different cultures and relate it to our New Year (UtW)
  • Make fire breathing dragons and animals using shapes. (EAD)
  • Role play in the home area and Chinese restaurant. (EAD)

Can you build the Great Wall of China?

Cooking Noodles
Working in the restaurant
Building the Great Wall of China
Using chopsticks
measuring the noodles in blocks

Week Commencing 20th January 2020 – Princess, Knights and dragons

This week we will:

  • Look at feelings, how are we kind to our friends, were the ugly sisters kind to cinderella? (PSE)
  • Read and share stories, sequencing and joining in with repeated refrains. (CL)
  • Become more confident using the obstacle course. (PD)
  • Put out the fire using the spray bottles (PD, Fine motor)
  • Continue to find rhyming words in books, link initial sounds. (L)
  • Make castles using shapes, large and small. (M)
  • Follow mud kitchen recipes using different media (UW)
  • Make and create props for role play (EAD)

Mark making

Obstacle course

Paint by numbers

Using the obstacle course

Making props for role play

Making comparisons and describing how they are feeling

Making castles out of shapes

Making recipes in the mud kitchen

Writing princess party invitations


Week commencing 13th January 2020 – Space

  • The children will think about caring for an alien and make an alien together (PSE)
  • We will read ‘Aliens love underpants’ and retell the story using props (CL)
  • The children will make movements in yoga and using ‘Jumpstart Johnny’. (PD)
  • We will practice cutting skills (PD)
  • We will match  initial sounds matching objects and find the rhyming words in stories. (L)
  • Some children will use dice and draw parts on an alien body (M)
  • We will explore using the box to think about textures (UW, EAD)
  • The children can build using junk for story props and role play (EAD)
















Star memory and space board finished

Playing with rockets in the sand

Painting an Alien

Making a rocket

Welcome back to the Spring term 2020

Happy 2020 Everybody!

-This week we are talking about our Christmas experiences (PSE, UW)

-The children will share their thoughts and we will place it on a star (CL)

-We will find stars in the slime using tweezers and practice our mark making in the sand following patting (PD) (L)

-Order the stars and starry numerals, find and count the stars (M)

-Explore the tray with different shiny objects in the discovery tray (UW)

-Create night time pictures selecting resources independently (EAD)


Week commencing 25th November 2019 – Dear Santa

This week Christmas is starting!

  • We will talk about family customs, take account of what other say (PSE, UtW)
  • The children will listen to stories like ‘Dear Santa’ and make our letters, some of the children may like to make marks for their names (CL, L)
  • We can cut out pictures to put in our letters (PD)
  • In the post office the children can sort letters out by sizes and take on the role of the clerk and post delivery person (M, UtW, EAD)
  • We will make Christmas cards, making our own choice of resources (EAD)
  • We can wrap presents in our workshop (EAD, PD)

Painting and decorating the tree for Santa’s Workshop

Making Elf hats for Santa’s workshop

Wrapping presents in Santa’s Workshop

Santa’s Workshop

Post Office


Writing a list for Santa

Wrapped a present for Mummy

Christmas cards