All posts by Nikki Wims

Week commencing 18th November 2019 – Dear Zoo

  • Following on from the wonderful sharing of the child’s special time with family, they decided to talk about their pets (PSE, CL, UW)
  • We have introduced song spoons to support learning nursery rhymes. With some of the children, when they are confident with rhymes we change the endings to different rhyming words – good fun to do at home (CL, L)
  • The children will practice their agility moving in different ways round an obstacle course (PD)
  • We are practising our cutting skills, cutting stripes for cages, making spiral snakes and making strips for hair (PD)
  • The children have decided to make a vets, making appointments, writing marks for diagnoses and prescriptions (L, UW)
  • We have a lovely Rain Forest Cafe for baking or role playing (EAD)

Dear Zoo story time

Finding different animals

Making a Smoothie in the Rain Forest Cafe




Obstacle course

A picture of my pets


Update and next week

Dear Parents and Carers

We would like to thank you all for the fantastic response we received in sending in and posting pictures for our ‘Special Celebrations’ topic. The Children absolutely loved sharing their pictures and special memories with their friends. To complete the fantastic week we have had, we were incredibly lucky to be included in looking at the WW2 vehicles that Holy Family had on their grounds today. Please see the blog and the gallery for pictures

If you haven’t sent in any pictures yet, but would still like to, we will make sure the children still share them with the rest of the group.

Due to the engagement the children gave to this, we thought it would be a good idea to roll this into next weeks topic of ‘Dear Zoo’ and ask you to share (again by a photograph handed in or on tapestry) a picture of your family pets (or someone special to thems pet)

Thank you again for your continued support and contribution to your children’s learning.

The Buckles and Bows Team

Week commencing 11th November 2019 – People and Communities

  • Today we celebrate remembrance day with the Children (UTW)
  • We will paint poppies choosing the correct colours
  • Make poppies in the frames with grass to emulate the fields where the soldiers dies and the poppies grew (EAD)
  • The children can play in the tuff spot creating stories and understanding that sometimes people fight for their beliefs (PSE, CL. EAD)
  • The children will dance with ribbons for our parade with marching music (EAD)
  • The children will make a poppy biscuit for their snack remembering the need to wash and dry our hands before beginning (PD)



The children’s work decorating the entrance

Tuff spot

Tuff spot

Colouring in a poppy

Marching with Ribbons for remembrance day






Potato printing poppies



Can you fly like an aeroplane?

WW2 vehicles visiting The Holy Family School – thank you for the visit!




Ready for the children to make their ‘Poppy bisccuits’

Colouring in a poppy

Special Celebrations

Making Sand cakes

Making Play dough cakes

People and Communities – homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

As part of the ‘People and Communities’ week, next week we are going to talk about Remembrance day and children in need, the children will be asked to describe special times or events to their friends from their own experiences and what makes them special.

Please could you ask your child what special celebration they would like to talk to their friends about and then send in a photograph (or a copy of a photograph) of this special occasion, with your child’s name written on the back. For example, you could send in a photograph of your child’s last birthday, a family member’s birthday or last year’s Christmas celebrations.

Please can you send the photograph in or put it on Tapestry so they can share with their friends

Thank you for your continued support.

Week commencing 4th November 2019: Diwali- Fireworks

  • This week we will practice putting our shoes on ourselves and following the boundaries in nursery (PSE, PD)
  • The children will learn about fireworks and Diwali – lighting our homes for the celebration and seeing fireworks (CL, UW)
  • We will use out gross motor movement to swirl the ribbons to music (PD)
  • The children will make marks in the foam, glitter, sand and mud to emulate fireworks (PD)
  • We will listen to stories and continue to find rhyming words (L)
  • We can use shapes to make fireworks 2D and 3D (M)
  • The children will create firework pictures using the artist Jackson Pollock as inspiration (UW)
  • We will make Diva lamps, moulding the clay and discovering the texture (EAD, UW)

Making Diva lamps from clay


Firework picture inspired by Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock – inspiration

Jackson Pollock – inspiration

Making a clay diva lamp

Making movements to the music and pretending to be fireworks. Moving their arms and ribbons, making them swirl, doing big circles and making big arm actions to the sounds.

Week commencing 21st October 2019 – Room on the Broom

  • Read stories and think about others: ‘Pumpkin Soup’ talks about everyone having a turn. ‘Room on a Broom’, letting everyone join together. (PSE)
  • Sharing stories, hearing rhyming words (CL, L)
  • Move the ball with the broomstick, negotiating a path (PD)
  • Number songs, decorate the pumpkin with shapes (M)
  • Making potions, whisking bubbles using mud soup with natural resources (UtW)
  • Use resources to create spiderweb pictures, shapes for ghosts/pumpkins (children to select different media) (EAD)
  • Story time

    Can you draw a shaddow?

    Making shaddows

    Potion making

    Potion making

Week commencing 14th October – Bear Hunt

Bear Hunt – Leaf Hunt – Family

  • We will be interacting together, listening and follow leads to act out stories and listen to other opinions (PSE)
  • Follow and notice the rhythm in the stories, join in with text (L, CL)
  • Find different ways to move round the obstacle course (PD)
  • Make marks in the mud, sand. Use different natural resources on pegs to make marks (PD, L)
  • We’re going on a shape hunt – notice 2D and 3D shapes in the environment (M)
  • Count the spoons of ingredients and things to decorate our bear biscuits (M)
  • Operate CD player to listen to favourite stories (UW)
  • Create resources to use with the hunt stories (EAD)

Making binoculars for the bear hunt

We’re going on a bear hunt

Have we found the bear?

We’re going on a bear hunt…

Shape hunt – I’ve found a rectangle

Shape hunt – I found a circular shape

Shape hunt – I found a leaf shape