All posts by Nikki Wims

Week commencing 7th October 2019 – Goldilocks and the Three Bears

  • This week we are going on an Autumn walk, we will look at how boundaries change when we are out of nursery and how important road safety is (PSE, PD)
  • We will read ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ and ‘Were going on a leaf hunt’ (CL, L)
  • The children will be encouraged to develop gross motor skills, swirling ribbons like Autumn leaves and making spiky hedgehogs. Counting how many spikes they have added matching to the correct numeral (PD,M)
  • The children will notice changes to the leaves and what is happening as it gets colder (UW)
  • We will use the treasures we find at the park to create pictures (EAD)

What does the tree feel like?


What does this shop sell?



Spikes on a hedgehog

Making a hedgehog

Counting bears and recognising numbers

Week Commencing 30th September 2019 – Little Red Riding Hood

  • This week we will talk about our families including grandparents (PSE).
  • We will listen to the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and join in with repeated refrains, talk about the characters (CL, L)
  • Play ‘what’s the time Mr Wolf?”, moving in different ways and realising the movements can be counted (PD, M)
  • We will start to make marks for our names and practice our fine motor skills feeding grandma food using tongs (PD)
  • We will learn to use the CD player and use headphones to listen to our favourite stories (UW)
  • The children will choose things they would like to make in the craft area, flowers/cards for Grandma (EAD

Feeding the wolf using tongs

Week commencing 23rd September 2019 – The Three Little Pigs

Following the interests of a lot of the children, we are going to learn ‘The 3 Little pigs’.

  • Continue to discuss what makes us unique – houses we live in, families etc (PSE)
  • Read the story, join in repeated refrains, sequence it (C,L)
  • What’s the time MR Wolf; negotiate space, build houses using our gross motor skills (PD, M)
  • Use different shaped blocks to build (M)
  • Learn to maneuverer remote control cards round a path (UW)
  • Follow the paths using different fine motor tools (PD)
  • Practice our colouring making skills to make pig pictures (EAD)

Colour: Some of the children’s work from the last two weeks

Working together

Building a brick house to stop the Big Bag Wolf from blowing it down

Week commencing 16th September 2019 – Elmer and colour

  • This week we will read the Elmer story and talk about how everyone is different and look at our different features (PSE, CL)
  • We will use puppets with the story (L)
  • The children can play hopscotch throwing the beanbags and counting the numerals (PD, M)
  • We will play a traffic light game following the correct movements to correspond with the colour lights (PD)
  • The children can use the new microphones to record themselves singing (UW)
  • We will mix colours using bags and paint to notice the changes (EAD)

Mixing paint to make different colours

Welcome to the Autumn Term

Week commencing 9th September 2019:

Welcome back, we hope everyone had a lovely Summer!

  • This week we are settling the children and we will be encouraging them to talk about people who are important to them using their colour challenge (personal, social and emotional).
  • We will be playing lots of listening games, inside and out (communication & Language, Physical development).
  • Encouraging the children to look at books and enjoy stories (literacy).
  • We will sort objects by colour and practice more/less (mathematics)
  • In the craft area the children will make open ended pictures using lots of colours or their favourites (expressive arts).

Please remember invoices are due by Friday 13th September 2019.

Helping our new friends settle in

Making a rainbow with lots of different colours

I found a caterpillar!

Noah’s ark/Water/Animals

Week commencing 17th June 2019:

  • Read ‘Noah’s Ark’ and ‘Dear Zoo’ (L)
  • Paint rainbow pictures outside (EAD)
  • Mix paint to make new colours (EAD)
  • Write letters/draw pictures to the Zoo (L, EAD)
  • Make butter using cream (UTW, PD)
  • Noah’s ark tuff spot (UTW)
  • What effect does different movements have on our bodies (PD)
  • Sing new animal/graduation songs (EAD, L)
  • Make boats. Will they float or sink? (UTW, PD)
  • Draw animals on computer paint program (UTW)
  • Make animals from dough/sand (EAD,PD)

Water and animals

Week commencing 10th June 2019:

  • Read stories about animals: Noah’s Ark, Owl Babies, Mrs Wishy Washy’s Farm (L)
  • Listen to animal sound Lotto (CL)
  • Farm themed role play (EAD)
  • Make homes for animals using mixed media (EAD, PD)
  • Use drawing program on the computer to make animals (UTW)
  • Look at videos of eggs hatching. What comes from an egg? (UTW)
  • Make animal masks (EAD, PD)
  • Make hoof prints using mud and potato print (EAD)
  • Sing animal songs (EAD, CL)
  • What do animals give us? (UTW)
  • Write using feathers (L, CL)