Week commencing 3rd June 2019
- Make farm pictures using tap-a-shape (PD)
- Read ‘Rosies Walk’, ‘Owl Babies’, ‘Little Red Hen’, Noah’s Ark’, ‘Where oh where is Rosies’s chick?’ (L)
- Farm role play area (EAD)
- Link adults with baby animals (UTW)
- What comes out of eggs (UTW)
- Animal games (M)
- How many animals can float on the boat? (UTW)
- Paint rainbow pictures outside (EAD)
- Songs in the water (EAD)

Water play

Revamped digging area

Shape Picture

In our farm role playing area, the animals have got in a bit of a muddle, some of our zoo animals have been mixed up with our farm animals, the adult asks the children if they can help the farmer sort the animals into the correct groups.