- Look at baby photos and compare to what we look like now
- What makes me special?
- Baby clinic role play area
- Washing babies outside
- Make self portraits – colour for a purpose
- Write names and other words
- Share experiences of baby siblings
- Learn about our senses
- Use stacking cups with pictures of family members to order by size
- Build homes using shapes
- Sing songs including body parts
- Draw around each other on playground
- Read stories: Mixed, All About Me
- Trace over names
All posts by Nikki Wims
W/c 1st July – Olympics – Sports Day
- Read stories – The Frog Olympics, My first sports day
- Healthy café – outdoor role play
- Design a flag
- Musical rings game
- Find Paris on European Map
- Volleyball in sandpit
- Olympic rings threading
- Best sandcastle competition
- Talk about how to have a healthy diet
- Bring in certificates/medals to show from home
- Garden games: sack race, hoops and cones, track race
- Mini ice hockey – spoons & bottle lid
W/c 24th June – Holidays
- Share experiences of holidays
- Parachute beach ball game
- Read stories: Spot goes on holiday, Rosie’s Hat, What the ladybird heard on holiday
- Ice cream tuff tray with sand dough
- Airplane role play
- Make fruit smoothie ice lollies
- Write postcards
- Duplo planes
- Sandcastles – design and build
- Magnetic fishing game
- Make vehicles out of shapes
- Find characters in jelly using tongs
- Volleyball in sandpit
- Junk modelling – vehicles
- World map floor puzzles
W/c 17th June – Football-Euros-Keeping Healthy
- Think about what promotes “good health”
- Read “Goal” and “Noah’s Football Magic”
- Learn new vocabulary: referee, penalty, half-time
- Football tuff tray
- Design a football t-shirt or football using patterns
- Play games and keep scores with mark making tools
- Use shape stencils to add pentagons and hexagons on footballs
- Look at different flags for Euro teams
- Move the balls with spray bottles
- Use tweezers to sort ball shape beads by colour
- Introduce tally system to record goals
- Talk about our personal football knowledge and experience
- Roll balls in paint to make patterns
- Balance the balls onto tees
- Roll the ball to our chosen friend during group time
- Which balls float or sink?
W/c 10th June – Rainbow Fish/ Under the Sea
- Read stories: That’s not my shark, Rainbow Fish, Tiddler
- Learn new language, e.g Sea Creatures
- Ice cream parlour role play
- Make sea life creatures
- Write with lolly sticks
- Make ocean music with instruments
- New sea themed rhymes
- Build vehicles with blocks: planes, boats, cars
- Make submarines
- Rescue frozen sea creatures
- Make straw necklace
- Make parachute waves
W/c 3rd June – Sharing a shell
- Talk about sharing/turn taking
- Seaside café outdoor role play
- Read stories about the seaside: Snail & the Whale, Commotion in the Ocean, Tiddler
- Learn initial sound of sea creatures
- Make playdough shells
- Fathers Day crafts
- Make waves with the parachute
- Share seaside experiences
- Explore using magnifying glasses
- Sand paint pictures
- Make up story using sack
- Explore patterns – footprints, waves, shells
- Seaside themed missing item game
- Create sea creatures
- Use shells to make creatures
W/c 20th May – What other things come from eggs?
- Read the Odd Egg, That’s not my frog
- Consider what hatches out of an egg
- Pass the egg, guess what’s inside
- Look at pictures of egg and think about the reptiles that grow in them
- Eggs with paint in tuff tray
- Use the egg shakers to follow a rhythm
- Copy the patterns on the eggs
- Move the eggs along the drainpipes
- Set up a pond for frogs
- Parachute egg toss
- Egg/nest number bonds
- Measure the length of our frog jumps
- Rhyming eggs hidden in the garden
- Watch different animal life cycles