All posts by Nikki Wims


Week Commencing 28th January 2019

  • Sound of the week – ‘I’ (as in Igloo not eye) (L)
  • Parachute game – catch the alien (PD)
  • Read Aliens love underpants (L)
  • Aliens love underpants tuff spot to retell the story (L)
  • Estimating and weighing moon dust (M)
  • Free the aliens from green cornflour gloop (PD)
  • Freeze aliens in ice – how can we release them? (UTW)
  • Musical instruments – making alien sounds (EAD)
  • Make masks for the role play area (EAD)
  • Use magnets to paint (EAD)
  • Work together to make an alien (PSED)
  • Our topic visit which had been penciled in for this week will now be happening in the week before half term. More information to follow.


Week commencing 21st January 2019:
– Space role play area (EAD)
– Create themed stories using story stones (L)
– Make space scenes using sponges dipped in paint (EAD)
– 5 little men in a flying saucer (EAD)
– Collect the stars from the gel using tweezers (PD)
– Space rocket game using device (M)
– Explore our sound of the week – ‘T’ (L)
– Space themed tuff sport (UTW)
– Practice putting on coats and cold weather clothes (PD)


Week commencing 14th January 2019

– Read ‘The Not So Perfect Penguin’, talk about being different (PSED)
– Use rhyming mittens to match (L)
– Fish for the correct amount of fish (M)
– Melt the ice cubes – what works best? (UTW)
– Make marks in the paint bags (L)
– Make penguins out of different shapes (M)
– Cut snowflakes out of paper (PD)
– Frozen – make up stories with characters (L)
– Make ice out of paper to hop across (PD)
– Match numerals to spots on the penguin (M)

Extraodinary General Meeting Tuesday 8th January 2019

We would like to remind you that we are proposing a change to the status of the Pre-school from an unincorporated charitable association to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). The basic difference is that in its current form, liability for any debts, default, claims for negligence, breach of trust or breach of duty fall on the committee members and is covered by insurance taken out by the Pre-School.

Please refer back to the Chair’s email sent on the 6th November for further information.

You are all welcome to attend and vote on the proposal – it should only take about 15 minutes and the committee members will be holding our normal spring 1st half term committee meeting directly after the EGM.


PSLA Model_CIO_Constitution_for_Childcare_Providers_2013

Report_on_the_Implications_of_Changing_to_a_CIO_BnB Oct18

Spring Term 2019

Happy new Year and welcome back!

A big warm welcome to the 7 new children and families starting with us this term, we hope you all enjoy your time with us.

We would also like to give a big Buckles and Bows welcome to Jenny Vymetal who will be taking over from Lyn whilst she is on maternity leave. Jenny will be starting with us on Tuesday and will be with us until we break up for the Summer. Please join us in welcoming Jenny to the team.

We are going to be starting the term by learning about the Arctic and the Antarctic ❄️

The Gingerbread man

Week commencing 26th November 2018:

  • Bakery role play area (EAD, Uotw)
  • Listen to different versions of the story, what are the similarities/differences? (L)
  • Use props/puppets to retell the story  (L, EAD)
  • Make a glance bridge for obstacles to jump over (PD)
  • Make gingerbread using tap a shapes (PD)
  • Make a gingerbread salt dough decoration (EAD, PD)
  • Talk about road safety, is it safe to run everywhere like the Gingerbread Man? (PD)
  • Write recipes (L, PD)
  • Make marks in ginger salt (PD, L)
  • Post letters to Father Christmas