All posts by Nikki Wims

Thank you

Dear Parents and Carers

The team would like to say a HUGE thank you for all your generous gifts, cards and messages. They were very much appreciated and we were totally overwhelmed.

We have had a fantastic year with the children and look forward to welcoming the returning families.

Wishing lots of love and luck to all the School starters, you will be missed.

Have a fabulous Summer.

The Buckles and Bows Team

Going to School

Week commencing 2nd July 2018:

  • Classroom and School canteen role play area (EAD)
  • Sing and act graduation songs (EAD)
  • Talk about days of the week, seasons, weather (UtW)
  • Talk about our memories of Buckles and Bows (PSED, CL)
  • Practice buttons, Zips, Shoes (PD)
  • Talk about our new Schools, toys, uniform, teachers (CL, PSED)
  • Sink and float with household items (UtW)
  • Make pictures of nursery/School uniforms (EAD, UtW)

Under the Sea

Weeks commencing 18th June & 25th June 2018 activities:

  • Travel agents role play – make aeroplane tickets and passports (EAD)
  • Number rhymes – a sailor went to sea/the day I went to sea (EAD, L)
  • Make sea creatures out of junk modelling (PD, EAD)
  • Seaside scene in tuff spot (UTW)
  • Share ideas of our holiday experiences (CL, PSED)
  • Look up different flags and countries on the computer (UTW)
  • Stories – The rainbow fish, sharing a shell (L)
  • Visit our Ice cream Parlour






























Welcome back

Week commencing 4th June 2018:

Welcome back, we hope you all had a lovely half term. We will be continuing with the theme of Life Cycles and Vets. Please can we ask you to bring in junk modelling (recycling) and if possible a shoe box this week for making pets and animals.

We would like to highlight a new addition to the quiet room, the ‘Wow Wall’. Each week pictures will be rotated depending on the theme to show what we have been doing each week.


Life cycle – Vets

Week commencing 21/05/18. We will:

  • Make birthday Cakes using different resources (EAD, M)
  • ‘Dear Zoo’ story basket (L)
  • Vets practice role play (EAD)
  • Animals in the sand/water – sorting and counting (M, UotW)
  • Use sand timers to measure physical activities (PD, M)
  • Baking cupcakes, where do we get our ingredients? (UotW)
  • Make animals with Tap-a-shape (M, PD)
  • Zoo Lab will be visiting us on Monday 21st.


Week Commencing 14/5/18. This week we will:

  • Build homes using different Media (UotW, EAD, PD)
  • Draw pictures of ‘My Family’ (M, EAD, PD)
  • Make marks in the shaving foam (L)
  • Use our mud kitchen for Home role play (EAD)
  • Continue our theme of ‘growing’ (UotW)
  • Use CD player for different sounds for stories (CL, L)
  • Move, dance in different ways with ribbons (PD, EAD)