All posts by Nikki Wims


Week commencing 30th April 2018:

  • Looking at the life cycle of a frog (UotW)
  • Exploring our garden centre role play (EAD)
  • Make a mini garden in tuff spot (Uotw)
  • Find beans in the  compost using tweezers (PD)
  • Make speckled frogs with play dough (EAD, M)
  • Look at seeds using magnifying glasses (UotW)
  • Make flowers using cotton wool and card (EAD)
  • The Teeny Ween Tadpole (L)

The Tiny Seed/Jaspers Beanstalk

Week commencing 23rd April 2018:

  • Playing hopscotch on plants (M,PD)
  • Planting our own beans/new seeds in pots (UotW)
  • Sequencing a seeds development (UotW)
  • Farm shop role play (M, EAD, PS, ED)
  • Looking inside our snack – what does our fruit and vegetables have inside?(UotW)
  • Looking at the parts of a flower. Can we paint our own? (EAD)
  • Making flowers using scissors and pipe cleaners (EAD, PD)

Recent fundraising purchases

Lisa has been on a spending spree with the fundraising money and has purchased:

  • a new basketball net
  • some new wheel barrows
  • new tables and chairs for the outside ‘home’ (shed) and for writing and crafts.
  • a new water tray coming soon
  • new china for the home area and new food
  • some lovely new coat pegs one for inside and one for out for our painting and water aprons.

Summer Term

We hope you have had a lovely Easter break. We would like to give a big warm welcome to the 5 new children and families starting with us this term, we hope you all enjoy your time with us.

Over the term we will start to plant seeds for the outside. We will also record what has happened to our beans while we have been on our break and re-pot them in soil.

Week commencing 16th April 2018

This week, the topic will be ‘The very hungry caterpillar’ and we have some live caterpillars arriving in the week. We will:

  • use the story sacks/puppets to retell the story (L)
  • make a garden centre role play, using money (EAD,M)
  • make marks with bugs in the sand (EAD)
  • thread the leaves on pipe cleaners (PD)
  • watch metamorphosis and life cycle on the computer (UotW)
  • Build caterpillars and butterflies using blocks and linking toys (PD)




Billy Goats Gruff/Easter!

Week commencing the 26th March 2018 we will be:

  • Retelling the story of the 3 billy goats using props/puppets (L, EAD)
  • Using language of size to talk about the goats, ordering (m)
  • Sequencing the story (L)
  • Reenacting the story outside using the environment (PD, EAD)
  • Looking at our beans, how have they changed? (Uotw)
  • The Easter Story (L, Uotw)
  • Easter themed rhyming pairs (L)




Day 1        







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