- Listen to Handa’s Surprise, consider the setting and characters
- Look at the different colours of things
- What animal is in the bag?
- Use animal puppets to create stories
- Fruit market role play area
- Still life – fruit painting
- Fruit printing
- Dance with coloured scarves and ribbons
- Weaving using ribbons
- Environment colour hunt
- Jungle tuff tray
- Play traffic light game
- Make fruit kebabs
- Colour changing experiment with pipettes
- Use scales for weighing and comparing
- Playing musical instruments
- Sort food by colour
All posts by Nikki Wims
W/c 15th January – Monkey Puzzle/ walking through the jungle
- Share stories, Walking through the jungle, Monkey Puzzle, Dear Zoo
- Talk about our favourite animals
- Animal songs and number rhymes
- Move like animals
- Jungle tuff tray
- Make marks in sand with animals
- Sort animals by colour/size
- Look at different patterns on animals
- Thread pasta to make snakes
- Paper plate lion cutting activity
- Think about how we have changed since babies
- Look at the butterfly life cycle
- Paint animal pictures considering size, colour, texture, patterns
W/c 8th January – Stickman/Seasons
- Read Stickman & look at the different seasons book
- Listen to the story and think about the different times of year, can we remember the names of the seasons?
- Use sticks to make shapes & write in the sand
- Find natural resources outside to create our own Stickman
- Thread leaves on sticks using hole punch
- Cosy home corner – add scarves and gloves with mirror for trying things on
- Stickman tuff spot with with animals and objects related to story
- Move sticks in the water in different ways
- Consider what natural resources sink and float
- Collect different leaves to create men with sticks – notice the different shapes of the leaves
- Pooh stick races – predict who will come first, second, third
- Make letter using natural resources
W/c 4th/11th December – Christmas & Hanukkah
- Talk about the meaning of Christmas
- Read stories with Christmas theme
- Hanukkah – play dreidel game
- Christmas wrapping station
- Festive home area
- Christmas crafts
- Make handprint menorah
- Use tweezers to add pom poms to trees
- Peppermint scented water tray
- Use magnet wand to move magnetic objects in jug
- Decorate dreidels using pipettes to colour mix
- move like different festive items
- Listen to rhythm stories
- Make ABAB patterns with pony beads
W/c 27th November – Gingerbread Man
- Read the original tale and look at alternative stories e.g Gingerbread Girl
- Practice nativity songs
- Re-enact story, taking on roles and remembering repeated refrains
- Put the correct amount of buttons on the Gingerbread
- Order Gingerbread men by size
- Make bridge out of large construction
- Manipulate junk modelling for a purpose
- Ginger scented playdough
- Make clay Gingerbread people
- Use tweezers to decorate gingerbread people
- Make maps of Gingerbread Man’s journey
- Practice cutting out gingerbread men
- Play senses game with different smells
- Make a stream from gutters
- Numbered Gingerbread man hunt outside
W/c 21st November – Goldilocks & the three Bears
- Retell story with props/puppets
- Crime scene – who stole the porridge?
- Talk about keeping safe – would you go in someone’s house you didn’t know?
- continue to make houses with junk modelling
- Make marks in porridge
- Sort bears by size
- Subtising to 3
- Make bear faces from natural objects
- Make patterns with coloured bears
- Make bear food in mud kitchen
- Tell stories using small houses and environmental items e.g road, forest
- Three bears cottage role play area
- Sorting emotion pictures
- Build chairs, beds, house with construction toys
- Make bear sandwiches
W/c 13th November – Three Little Pigs
- Read the story and discuss the different characters
- Order the story in sequence
- Create story map
- Make food for the pigs in the mud kitchen
- Design a house – use different materials
- Repeated ABAB threading pattern
- Make houses and pigs out of shapes
- Build houses from different construction materials and test strength using fan
- Blow paint with straws
- Build houses in sand pit using wet and dry sand
- Make playdough pigs
- Play listening games e.g. Traffic light game
- Cut yellow paper to make straw
- Mark making in coloured sand