- Read the 3 Billy Goats Gruff story with props
- Use instruments to retell the story
- Build bridges using blocks
- Listen to Remembrance day story
- Order the goats by size
- Make poppy fields using resources in frames
- Cut hair on trolls
- Place trolls in different places and describe using positional language
- Make pizza troll faces
- Follow the map for the Billy Goats
- Make a bridge with large blocks/crates
- Make a raft/boat for the animals
All posts by Nikki Wims
W/c 30th October – Room on the Broom
- Match the Halloween rhyming words
- Talk about Trick or Treating – staying safe and with an adult
- Read Stories, Room on the Broom, Funny Bones, Pumpkin Soup
- Re-tell stories with props
- Match the Spider’s legs by dots to numbers
- Decorate pumpkins using different shapes
- Sponge painting with shapes
- Sing nursery rhymes using props
- Cave area outside – add spiders, bats & cats & count how many of each
- Make shadow pictures using torches – inside & outside
- Play ring games with music
- Incy wincy spider – what things fit through the drain pipe
- Soup recipes in the mud kitchen
- Ghost pictures in foam
- Make potions & volcanoes
W/c 16th October – The Gruffalo
- Read the story in small groups and encourage them to join in to fill in words
- Sequence pictures in order
- Children to talk about their favourite food
- Gruffalo dice game
- Sensory play: Scrambled snake, owl ice cream, Gruffalo crumble
- Add the peg prickles to the Gruffalo
- Make crispy Gruffalo cakes
- Paint creatures from the Gruffalo story
- Move like animals in the story
- Shadow puppet theatre
- Find the numbered Gruffalos in sequence
- Measure and sort flour footprints by size
W/c 9th October – Autumn
- Autumn Walks – Monday & Wednesday. Set off from nursery at 9:30am and return at 11:30am
- Read Autumn themed books, e.g. Leaf man, We’re going on a leaf hunt
- Learn new songs for Autumn
- Cosy cottage themed role play (indoors)
- Natural café (outside)
- Thread the leaves on the string
- Create Autumn pictures with natural items
- Conker in paint rolling
- Make leaf/bark rubbings
- Learn new words e.g. Hibernate, deciduous, acorn, chestnut, conkers, foraging
- Finger painted tree
- Make leaf soup
- Discuss seasonal changes
- Make playdough hedgehogs
- Use natural objects for one for one counting
W/c 2nd October – Owl Babies
- Read Owl Babies with props
- Talk about how each owl felt during the story
- Discuss have you ever felt lonely, scared, sad, happy
- Cafe role play area
- Use natural media to make owls
- Make marks with feathers
- Sort & count natural objects
- Talk about road safety
- Work as a team to complete a task
- Find out facts about owls
- Use guttering to move objects
- Make nests from dough and natural objects
- Use scissor snips to create feathers
- Make marks in sand with sticks
W/c 25th September – Families
- Discuss our families
- Think about different family members – e.g who is the tallest?
- Read stories with puppets
- Sing nursery rhymes with props
- Create gingerbread people
- Salt in the square tuff spot
- Think about body parts
- Hide name cards in sand and find and label
- Make a car out of large blocks and think of journeys we go on
- People dressing up puzzles
- Make faces out of play dough
- Draw around each other and compare heights
- Draw around hands and count fingers
W/c 18th September – Ourselves
- To notice and describe faces
- Read stories with puppets e.g “Colour Monster” “Owl Babies”
- Baby clinic themed role play, practice dressing dolls
- Paint self portraits using mirrors
- Make marks in shaving foam
- Threading with small beads
- Move using different parts of our body
- Listening games, e.g bean game
- Make faces in sand using natural objects for features
- Colour Monster – what makes us feel different emotions
- Touch and feel sensory books – use descriptive words
- Use large chalks on the playground
- Draw round hands and count fingers