- Learn new rhymes
- Look at the nursery rhyme sacks
- Talk about feelings – how did Humpty Dumpty feel?
- Ask what is our favourite rhymes
- use instruments to add rhythm to rhymes
- Explore spiders and drainpipes
- Songs in the water tray – explore floating and sinking
- Draw happy/sad faces on Incy Wincy spider
- Lightbox with stars
- Plant bulbs like Mary Mary
- Make spiders with 8 legs
- Nursery rhyme jigsaw puzzles
- Ring songs, e.g Hokey Cokey, Mulberry Bush
- Make jam tarts in playdoh
- Move buses along the road, people and vehicles
All posts by Nikki Wims
W/c 10th July – Rosie’s Hat – Seaside
- Read seaside stories – Rosie’s hat, Spot goes on holiday, What the ladybird heard on holiday
- Ice cream parlour role play
- Make ocean music using instruments
- Learn about pollution/littering
- Parachute: Make waves for beachball
- Write letters in coloured sand
- Learn how wind can change appearance and position of things
- Investigate weight using buckets and seaside items e.g pebbles
- Make sea creatures from playdough
- Cutting skills – create octopus tentacles
- Play volleyball in sandpit
- Experiment with sand to make castles
- Magnetic fishing game
- Make marks in coloured sand
- Make messages for bottles
- Use tongs to find items in jelly
- Share stories/experiences of holidays
W/c 3rd July – Special Journeys
- Share stories of journeys we’ve been on
- Listen and sing along to Journey home from Grandpa’s
- Consider descriptive words for journey, e.g “bumpy”
- Make a map for a journey we remember
- Transport role play e.g aeroplane, bus
- Clap syllables for transport vehicles
- Make waterways using gutters for Boats
- Program Beebot
- Move vehicles through flour to make tracks
- Write tickets, passports, booking forms
- Role play using money to buy tickets
- Makes marks using pens on vehicles
- Mini car wash using toothbrushes
- Sing transport songs with instruments
- Numbered vehicles and car park
- Make road using duplo
W/c 26th June – A Squash and a Squeeze
- Copy the patterns on the eggs
- Make towers and knock over with bean bags
- Squash and a Squeeze story with props
- Hear and identify rhyming words
- Make frittatas
- Make patterns in sand tray
- Match eggs to numeral
- Watch egg life cycle and revisit knowledge
- Play duck duck, goose, farmers in his den
- Squeeze different items into a tent e.g balloons
- Make pet food in mud kitchen
W/c 19th June – Rosie’s Walk
- Look at the story Rosie’s Walk and ask questions
- Introduce the Little Red Hen story
- Hand print fox or hen prints
- Follow the playground walk game
- Den building
- Make aspects of the story using playdoh
- Number bonds – hens and nests
- Take apples from the tree using tweezers
- Make Rosie’s Walk in the sand pit
- Use Bee Bot to programme a journey
- Draw a map of the farm Rosie walks through
- Sequence the story
- Investigate eggs, raw and cooked
- Learn Graduation songs
- Sports Day practice
W/c 5th June – Pets
- Talk about ways we can help care for pets
- Share information about our pets
- Sing animal songs
- Make tally/bar chart about our pets
- Make animals with shapes
- Vets theme role play
- Feed the cat using tweezers
- Spell name with magnetic letters and write
- Move like animals
- Read animal stories
- Make animal paintings
- Animal hospital tuff spot
W/c 22nd May – Dinosaurs
- Look at fiction and non fiction books on dinosaurs
- Learn new vocabulary e.g archaeologist
- Go on a dinosaur hunt
- Sort the dinosaurs by colour and type
- Dinosaur threading cards
- Make a dinosaur from the shapes
- Release the dinosaurs from frozen eggs
- Measure dinosaurs and sort by size
- Dinosaur tuff spot
- Add playdough spikes to dinosaurs
- Dotty dinosaurs shape game
- Make dinosaurs with junk modelling
- Find dinosaur eggs in the sand