- Make up a pirate name using alliteration
- Share new stories about pirates e.g The Pirates Next Door
- Make maps
- Build a balance beam for pirates
- Build pirate ships using duplo/lego
- Small world pirate island
- Private treasures posting challenge
- Thread beads to make necklaces
- Revisit floating & sinking
- Find the magnetic objects in the bottle
- Put the elastic bands on hooks
- Learn pirate songs
- Make pirate flags
- Pirate cafe role play – make food to serve
- Dig for objects
- Practice for Sports Day
- Begin Graduation practice
- Collect treasure with tweezers
- Explore bubble dough, glittery dough, moon sand
- Share our experiences of the farm
- Read themed stories about animals
- Sing animal themed songs e.g “Old Macdonald”
- Match animals with their babies
- Revisit our knowledge of what comes from an egg
- Animal sound lotto
- 3 little pigs home area
- Make farm pictures using tap a shapes
- Learn about the produce we get from farm animals
- Make homes for animals using blocks/sticks/shapes
- Use farm animals to make sequences
- Make hoof prints in soil using potato prints
- Follow positional language to find animals in the garden
- Make farm animals for display
- Set up a party with banners, balloons etc
- Create a London Bus role play
- Make tickets for the bus and take on roles
- Read themed stories e.g Queen’s Knickers and non fiction about London
- Talk about the Queen, her family and life
- Make a Jubilee recipe including weighing/measuring
- Look at coins and sort
- Look at patterns and symmetry in crowns/flags
- Mould playdoh into cakes
- Make crowns and party hats
- Finger print flags
- Make party invitations
- Make pictures of people important to us
- Taste different foods, smell different objects
- Make cakes in the sand and mud kitchen
- Use chalks to write recipes outdoors
- Read Superworm, Snail & the Whale, Twist and Hop
- Dip spaghetti into paint and use to make worms
- Superhero tuff spot
- Notice differences between bugs
- Make worms move using magnets
- Make playdoh worms using hands
- Sort the worms by size
- Talk about being kind and gentle to mini beasts
- Make masks for superheroes
- Fill the pollen tray with nectar (pipette & water)
- Make worms using cheerios and pipe cleaners
- Move like different bugs, e.g buzz like a bee
- Dancing worms using bicarb and vinegar
- Silly soup with rhyming words
- Make a wormery
- Learn what comes from an egg
- Watch the different animal life cycles
- Matching egg game: beginning sounds
- Show children how to use the café
- Move things using the drain pipes
- Check the caterpillars growth
- Put the correct amount of frogs on lily pads
- Sink or float – filled eggs with objects
- Make a pond adding blue resources
- Look at a chicken egg and put in vinegar
- Use spray bottles with food colouring
- Find the worms in the egg tray using tweezers
- Use scarves to move like butterflies
- Make marks with feathers
- Make marks for café orders
- Retell the Hungry Caterpillar story with props
- Introduce non-fiction books of the butterfly life cycle
- Garden Centre role play with cafe
- Look at symmetry – begin by making marks and folding paper
- Make a garden in the tuff spot
- Find and match rhyming objects in the sand
- Put the right amount of spots on the ladybirds
- Make caterpillars by printing with shapes
- Make signs for the garden centre
- Make a wormery
- Continue to care for our seeds
- Watch a video of metamorphosis
- Move in different ways like bugs
- Make letters from natural objects: leaves/twigs/grass
- Record the fruits we like – which is our favourite
- Threading caterpillars
- Bug hunting outside
- Learn the Easter Story
- Talk about Spring/New Life/Eggs/ Plants
- Read Easter themed stories
- Fill the baskets with the correct amount of eggs
- Make up Easter story using props
- Make a card for Easter & Mother’s Day
- Little Red Hen tuff spot
- Make chocolate Easter nests
- Make marks with wet soil
- Roll balls in paint to make pictures
- Find letters in the sand and match to objects
- Paint the flowers (outside)
- Easter Rhyming phonics baskets
- Use tweezers to find things in the sensory tray
- Talk about our family Easter traditions
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