- Talk about what we need to keep our teeth clean and healthy
- Share our experiences of the dentist
- Talk about what might happen if we don’t look after our teeth, using a model
- Dentist role play area
- Learn new songs about teeth brushing
- Visit from a dental nurse
- Learn the names of different teeth
- Make fruit kebabs
- Letter hunt in the sand
- Squirt letters on chalk board using spray
- Gym/keeping fit area outside
- Use mirrors to explore different sounds we can make
- Talk about the tooth fairy and how we lose our milk teeth
- Paint pictures of ourselves with smiley mouths
- Read the story and retell it in sequence
- Play environmental sounds game
- Set up a tea party and make up their own story
- Play party games
- Talk about who we could invite for tea
- Tear strips of paper to create tiger pattern
- Write cards and invitations
- Make cakes in the mud kitchen using herbs/petals
- Use pipettes to fill a teapot
- Introduce book area outside for quiet time
- Decorate triangle bunting
- Chocolate cloud dough
- Germ activity to show how they are spread
- Whisk bubbles
- Use milk bottle tops to copy names
- Find and names shapes in the sack
- Tea bags in the water tray with tea set
- Make roads and talk about safety
- Read Bear Hunt story with rhythm using knee patting
- Children to re-enact using props
- Work as a team towards a task, e.g parachute
- Make up stories in the dark cave
- Build caves and homes for the bears
- Write letters in the sand using sticks
- Order the story
- Count the teddies and match numeral
- Dinosaurs in the mud tuff spot
- Mark a path of milk bottle tops using letters from our names
- Continue to talk about our feelings
- Cars and road – including road safety
- Make texture pictures using fabric
- Large scale story map outside
- Read the story and talk about what makes us feel like that
- Use pattern cards to sort objects into a sequence
- What colours are used to keep us safe? Red: danger
- Cars with the car park, sort by colour
- Create painted colour monsters to represent our feelings
- Practice mixing colours
- Use scarves and light objects in the wind
- Listen and respond to others
- Grate chalks to use in sand/mud
- Learn new songs about colours
- Make marks in the coloured sand
- Colour shape monsters
- Learn the names of different feelings
- Go on the colour scavenger hunt in the garden
- Talk about farms and share facts that we know
- Read farm theme stories e.g Rosie’s Walk/ Mrs wishy Washy’s Farm/Little Red Hen
- Name farm animals and what type of building do they live in on the farm e.g sty
- Animal sound lotto
- Role play farm/make masks
- Cut the farm pictures and make a book
- Rosie’s Walk Tuff Spot
- Sing new animal songs
- Water painting (outside)
- Look at what comes out of eggs
- Link parent to babies
- Use water and tools to clean Mrs Wishy Washy’s animals
- Read stories about animals e.g Rumble in the Jungle
- Animal sound lotto
- Learn new words to describe animals
- Thread cereal onto laces to make snakes
- Sort animals by colour or size
- Move like different animals
- Mix sand and water and mould animals
- Noah’s Ark story
- How many animals will float on a boat
- Animal songs in the water tray e.g Tiny Turtle
- Notice details on animals coats/skins
- Learn about where different animals live
- Make animal picture, noticing pattern/texture
- Vet role play area
- Play Greedy Gorilla game
- Talk about Chinese New Year and various animals which the myth is based on
- Learn about the Great Wall of China
- Chinese restaurant home corner
- Make pater plate drums and lanterns
- Use ribbons and move to music
- Taste different Chinese food at snack time
- Build our own Great Walls
- Make a Chinese dragon together
- Use chopsticks to move cotton balls
- Create Chinese letters/numbers in glitter
- Write using fine brush and food dye
- Play pop up dragon game
- Chinese New Year Themed parachute games
- Retell the story with small puppets
- Gold coin hunt in red and yellow noodles
- Use tools in mud/water to whisk/mix/sieve
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