Look who visited the nursery this weekend!
The tiger who came to tea read by Lisa _ part 1
Part 2
Look who visited the nursery this weekend!
The tiger who came to tea read by Lisa _ part 1
Part 2
What sunny days we have just had! We thought we would talk about the story Stickman and look at the different seasons as we go through the book.
Lisa will be reading Stickman live on our facebook group on Wednesday morning.
Some of the children have recently talked about pirates, so for this weeks suggested home learning we are going to look at Pirates.
This is a book we love to read called Port side pirates.
Suggested work sheets
Lisa reading Pirates love underpants
For this weeks suggested home learning we are going to look at Rainbow fish.
This is a film for you to watch and you can also listen to Sarah tell the story
Rainbow Fish – read by Sarah
Good morning everyone
This week we are going to listen to Monkey Puzzle, please see worksheets below.
Listen to the story with Lisa or watch it on Youtube, Below:
Monkey Puzzle with Lisa- Part 1
Monkey Puzzle with Lisa- Part 2
Good morning everyone
I hope you all managed to have a lovely half term. A HUGE welcome back to all the children that are returning this week, please do let me know your experiences of the new set up.
This week we are going to look at mini beasts. Learning sheet attached. A video of Lisa reading a story will be on facebook and the website later this afternoon but in the meantime this is a film of another mini beast story about a ladybird, guess who wrote it…………Julia Donaldson! Keep safe and well everyone.