- Read Owl Babies with props
- Talk about how each owl felt during the story
- Discuss have you ever felt lonely, scared, sad, happy
- Cafe role play area
- Use natural media to make owls
- Make marks with feathers
- Sort & count natural objects
- Talk about road safety
- Work as a team to complete a task
- Find out facts about owls
- Use guttering to move objects
- Make nests from dough and natural objects
- Use scissor snips to create feathers
- Make marks in sand with sticks
- Discuss our families
- Think about different family members – e.g who is the tallest?
- Read stories with puppets
- Sing nursery rhymes with props
- Create gingerbread people
- Salt in the square tuff spot
- Think about body parts
- Hide name cards in sand and find and label
- Make a car out of large blocks and think of journeys we go on
- People dressing up puzzles
- Make faces out of play dough
- Draw around each other and compare heights
- Draw around hands and count fingers
- Learn new rhymes
- Look at the nursery rhyme sacks
- Talk about feelings – how did Humpty Dumpty feel?
- Ask what is our favourite rhymes
- use instruments to add rhythm to rhymes
- Explore spiders and drainpipes
- Songs in the water tray – explore floating and sinking
- Draw happy/sad faces on Incy Wincy spider
- Lightbox with stars
- Plant bulbs like Mary Mary
- Make spiders with 8 legs
- Nursery rhyme jigsaw puzzles
- Ring songs, e.g Hokey Cokey, Mulberry Bush
- Make jam tarts in playdoh
- Move buses along the road, people and vehicles
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