We hope you have had a lovely Easter break and we look forward to welcoming the children back. A big warm welcome to the 5 new children and families starting with us this term, we hope you all enjoy your time with us.
When we return, our topic will be the story of ‘Jack and the beanstalk’. We will look at growing beans and start to plant seeds for the outside. We also have some live caterpillar’s arriving in the week along with stick insect eggs which we will keep as pets when they hatch.
Week Commencing 23rd April 2019:
- Share out stories over Easter break. (CL, PSED)
- Read Jack and the beanstalk and introduce themed stories. (L)
- Order the story in sequence. (L)
- Find the bean using tweezers (PD,M)
- Grow beans in bags. (UTW)
- Mark make in crayons and paint over them. (L, EAD)
- Build castles using bricks. (PD, EAD)
- Garden centre role play area. (EAD)
- Who’s the tallest? (M)
- Make shakers using different beans (EAD)

The children sat listening to Jack and The Beanstalk during group time. We then showed and explained to the children how to ‘grow a bean in a bag’. The children sat and listened well and we discussed what seeds needed to grow eg. Sunlight and water.