Week commencing 13th May 2019:
- Stories this week: ‘The bad tempered ladybird’, ‘Superworm’, ‘The Snail and the Whale’, ‘The lazy ladybird’, ‘Twist and hop’ (L)
- Look at non fiction books and information on the internet about mini beasts (UTW, L)
- Clap out syllables for insect names (L)
- Make a garden tuff spot (UTW)
- Make trails of bugs in the sand (L)
- Match the initial sounds in words (L)
- Fill the pollen tray with nectar using pipettes (PD)
- Explore our bug hotel (UTW)
- Collect bugs using tweezers (PD)
- Build a water wall using drain pipes (PD)

Bug Hotel

Our beans are growing

Look how our Caterpillars have grown

Our new Bug Hotel

Creating leaves for next weeks bug den

The children had to count how many mini beasts were in each section, and then write the number in the box.

We’re going on a bug hunt

This week the children have be learning about mini beasts and noticing the different features, how many legs they have, do they have wing, what colours are etc. The children then used this knowledge to recreate bugs in using different media and materials. The had bowls or egg boxes to start their bugs but were able to choose how and what they would like for their creation.