Sessions & Fees

+15 Hours – 30 hours a week entitlement >

All sessions run Monday to Friday inclusive.

  • Morning Session: 9am to 12pm (3 hours, £22.50 per session)
  • Lunchtime Session: 12pm to 12.45pm (45 minutes, £5.65 per session)
  • Afternoon Session: 12.45pm to 3.15pm (2.5 hours, £18.75 per session)

For details of session availability, please call our Administrator Nikki Wims on 07596 936341 or

We are flexible about attendance patterns to accommodate the needs of individual children and families, providing these do not disrupt the pattern of continuity in the setting. Children can only attend a full day, with Buckles and Bows, the term after they turn 3 years old.

Children are currently entitled to up to 15 hours per week of Free Early Education (FEE) funded by Surrey County Council, commencing the term after the child turns three. Lunch sessions can also be included within the 15 hours FEE.

Fees (£7.50 per hour) are payable for any hours required above this level or for children who do not yet qualify for funding. We also charge a 50p a session snack fee.

We welcome FEET funded children. Two year olds can only attend one session (AM or PM) per day.

We welcome FEET funded children:

FEET image Stanley