Week commencing 29th April 2019:
- The Hungry Caterpillar and The Crunching Munching Caterpillar stories (L)
- Order the story in sequence (L)
- Add to the garden centre role play using children’s experiences (EAD)
- Learn new songs about growing (EAD, CL)
- Introduce our new caterpillars and stick insect! (UTW)
- Talk about the life cycle of a butterfly (UTW)
- Check on the growth of our beans (UTW)
- Make butterfly handprint pictures (EAD)
- Use shapes to make caterpillars (M)
- Record the fruits we like (M)
- Go on a bug hunt in the sand (M)

Our new friends the stick insects

Our new friends the caterpillars

This week we have been thinking about the lifecycle of a caterpillar. We have been reading the Very Hungry Caterpillar and discussing the journey that he went on and how our new caterpillars may develop over time.
We have used various shapes of pasta to recreate the caterpillar lifecycle, beginning with an egg, followed by a caterpillar, a cocoon and finally a butterfly.The children used pens to colour the pasta shapes before sticking them into paper in a circular sequence to show how the lifecycle continues after the butterfly hatches.

Buckles and Bows Ice Cream Parlour. All Ice Creams and Ice lollies made by the children.