- Think about our Christmas experiences
- Make a wish upon a star – adult to scribe
- Alien from another planet – consider how we would care for it
- Sing themed songs – Twinkle Twinkle/ Star Light, Star Bright, 5 little Men in a Flying Saucer
- Read themed stories – e.g Aliens love Underpants
- Draw aliens and count their legs etc
- Space rocket game with dice
- Build a rocket using magnets
- Write a story together using themed objects in the sack
- Focus on collecting stars from gel with tweezers
- Thread beads and cotton reels to make aliens
- Free the aliens from green goop
- Chalk rockets to do a rocket race
- Set up a picnic area on the moon
- Make different sounds to music and move like aliens
- Freeze aliens in ice – consider how we can free them
- Tuff spot with chalks to draw aliens
- Hide themed objects in cardboard boxes using torches to find out what they are
- Glitter writing/ writing in sand colour