Bear Hunt – Leaf Hunt – Family
- We will be interacting together, listening and follow leads to act out stories and listen to other opinions (PSE)
- Follow and notice the rhythm in the stories, join in with text (L, CL)
- Find different ways to move round the obstacle course (PD)
- Make marks in the mud, sand. Use different natural resources on pegs to make marks (PD, L)
- We’re going on a shape hunt – notice 2D and 3D shapes in the environment (M)
- Count the spoons of ingredients and things to decorate our bear biscuits (M)
- Operate CD player to listen to favourite stories (UW)
- Create resources to use with the hunt stories (EAD)

Making binoculars for the bear hunt

We’re going on a bear hunt

Have we found the bear?

We’re going on a bear hunt…

Shape hunt – I’ve found a rectangle

Shape hunt – I found a circular shape

Shape hunt – I found a leaf shape