- This week we will continue with the ‘People who help us’ theme
- Our cleaner gave the Pre-school a deep clean on Sunday.
- We have made the decision not to send library books home for the moment and with that in mind we ask that you don’t bring in your red book bags.
- On entry to the nursery the children are going to wash their hands, and so drop off may take a little longer than normal. Please bear with us.
- We are cleaning and disinfecting regularly touched objects and surfaces (door handles etc) more often than usual using your standard cleaning products
- We are supervising the children to ensure they wash their hands for 20 seconds more often than usual with soap and water and catching coughs and sneezes in tissues
- Please can we remind you the government guidelines
– Britons told to stay at home for 14 days if they live
with someone who has a persistent cough or high
temperature (above 37.8C) This 14 day self-isolation
period now applies to all members of the household as
-Schools are going to remain open for now – but this
measure may be revisited at some point
- Updated guidance giving detailed information about self-isolation is available at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-stay-at-home-guidance
Keep well everyone and thank you for all your support.