This week we will:
- Talk about new life, recap life cycles and talk about how babies start life (PSED, UtW)
- Read new baby stories, Owl babies (L,CL)
- Baby clinic roe play area (EAD, UtW)
- Make ‘all about me flowers’ (EAD, L, PD)
- Wash babies in the water tray (UtW0
- Check seeds and discuss the changes (UtW)
- Move like a baby in obstacle course (PD)
- Measure children and order by height (M)
- Add candles to playdough cakes (M)
- Share experiences of babies at home (CL, UtW)
- Taste different foods, smells, textures (PD)
- Build homes with bricks (PD, EAD)
- Make self portraits, update our display board (EAD)