This week we will:
- Read books about the Queen and London (L)
- Talk about our experiences and share knowledge of London (CL, PSED, UTW)
- Order the cakes by numeral (M)
- Make cakes in the sand with pebbles, shells, cones (M, EAD)
- Design birthday card for the Queen (EAD, L)
- Make party invitations for a tea party (L)
- London Bus role play area (EAD)
- Use blocks to build castle/palace (PD, EAD)
- Draw/paint portraits of the Queen (EAD, L)
- Graduation practice (CL, PSED, EAD)
- Make crowns (EAD, PD)
- Write recipes for mud kitchen birthday cakes. (L)
- Fathers Day craft (PD, CL, L, EAD)