This week we will:
- Talk about Christmas and talk about the things we know (PSED, UtW)
- Learn “We’re Going on a Baby Hunt” story (L,CL)
- Listen to stories with a Christmas theme (L)
- Post office themed role play area (EAD)
- Write letters, post, sort parcels by size (L, PD, UtW, M)
- Make envelopes and wrapping paper (PD, CL, EAD)
- Decorate tree outlines with chalk shapes (PD)
- Sing themed number songs (CL, EAD)
- Use sticks to make Christmas shapes (PD, M)
- Stack the presents, don’t let them fall! (PD, EAD)
- Learn how letters are sorted an delivered (UtW)
- Make Christmas cake, pudding, trifles in the mud kitchen (EAD, PD)
- Plan a path for the RC cars to deliver the letters (UtW)
- Spiced playdough to mould Christmas shapes (PD, M)
- Coloured/sparkly frozen ice cubes in the water tray (CL, UtW)
- Move the pipe cleaners/bells out the bottle using magnets (UtW)
Our Learning jouney – week 3