Dear Parents and Carers
World Nursery Rhyme Week is next week and we are delighted to confirm we will be taking part. The initiative, which was launched in 2013, promotes the importance of nursery rhymes in early childhood development and education with a particular focus on how nursery rhymes boost early language and literacy skills.
We have a number of activities planned throughout the week including:
- Identifying rhyming words
- Build walls together for ‘Humpty Dumpty’
- Exploring floating and sinking with “Row row your boats’ in the water
- Tap/clap out beats for songs
- Moving in different ways to the nursery rhyme songs
- Sequence pictures in rhymes
- Plus many more
Singing nursery rhymes is a wonderful activity you can enjoy doing together at home and all of the resources are available for you to download. You can access all of the free resources at:
If you would like anymore information, please don’t hesitate to contact Zoë or speak to a member of the Buckles and Bows team.